Babies start teething around 6 to 12 months old and by the time they are 3 years old they should have a full set of 20 milk teeth, also known as baby teeth. Once they have reached 6 years old the child's teeth Begin to fall out making way for the adult teeth.
By the age of 14 most children have lost all their baby teeth and have their adult teeth. Adults have 32 teeth total. Around the age of 17 we start to gain four more which are called the wisdom teeth. If you experience any pain when the wisdom teeth are coming through consult your dentist, these may have to be removed.

There are four different types of teeth:
- Incisors- The four front teeth top and bottom. Used for cutting and chopping.
- Canine teeth- The pointy teeth on each side of the incisors top and bottom. Used for tearing.
- Premolars- Also known as bicuspid teeth. These are located next to the canine teeth. Used for grinding and crushing.
- Molars- Strongest teeth, work along side the tongue to help swallow your food, helps with the mashing of the food.
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