Saturday, August 9, 2014

How Soda Impacts Your Body

 Drinking one soda equates to consuming 39 pounds of sugar per year. Regularly consuming sugary drinks interacts with the genes that affect weight. Sugar- sweetened beverages are linked to more than 1800,000 obesity-related deaths a year.

Brain :
 Having too much sugar in your diet reduces production of a brain chemical that help us learn, stores memories & process insulin.  Consuming too much sugar also dulls the brain's mechanism for telling you to stop eating.

The high levels of phosphoric acid in cola's have been linked to kidney stones & other renal problems  Diet cola is increased with a two-fold risk- especially when more that two servings a day are consumed.

Digestive System:
The carbonation in soft drinks can cause gas,bloating, cramping & exacerbate the effects of irritable bowel syndrome.  Caffeine can also  worsen episodes of diarrhea or contribute to constipation.

Soda consumption has been linked to osteoporosis & bone density loss, likely due to the phosphoric acid & caffeine in soda.

Chronic diet & regular soda consumption leads to increase risk of heart disease, including heart attack-stroke.

The more soda you drink, the more likely you are to develop asthma or COPD.

The high levels of acid in soda corrode your teeth-almost as badly as drinking battery acid.

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